Friday, November 11, 2011

2011 Installment of "Got Lefse?"

Last weekend was my family's annual lefse-making party. We were missing three of our regulars so we didn't get as much done as usual, but I think we still did a great job. As usual, I took a lot of pictures. Here are a few.

This was taken Saturday morning from my grandma's back deck. How would you like to wake up to this view every morning?

This was our newest helper this year. She's me adorable niece, and since I don't get a chance to photograph cute little girls all the time I kinda went overboard with pictures of her. =o)

She had so much fun!

My dear Aunt Susie!

I love this picture of my sister and her daughter making lefse.

So happy!

She got pretty good at rolling... for a toddler anyway.

 Perfekt! <-- Norwegian

 Just like you!

Here's my boy trying his hand at rolling.

Hey kid! What flavor is that dum dum? (he prefers the mystery flavor)

Picture perfect lefse! YUM!

One of my cousins stopped by and helped for a bit. It was her first time.

My darling Grandma Nona!

Oh how you make me smile! I love you so.

I had to take a picture of this last lefse that I made. What a beauty!

Happy to be all done.

After all was done and counted, there were 124 lefses. Great work ladies and gentlemen!

My nephew was there too, but wasn't too interested in making lefse. He had action figures to tend to!

I had my niece try on one of the hats I brought for her. It looks as adorable, just as I had imagined.

The sunrise on Sunday morning.

Before leaving we had to raid Grandma's cupboards and cutout all the boxtops for school. Here are the boys counting the loot.

I don't know what's going on here, but I think she has a secret that she's not going to tell.

What a handsome kid! All he wants for Christmas are his two front teeth.

Sunday morning is a perfekt time for a cuddle with Great Grandma Nona.

Another awesome weekend at grandma's house. I already can't wait for next year!
Remember your blessings!


  1. Beautiful post, beautiful pictures and a beautiful tradition!! Those pictures really tell the story!! Love them, Amber!!

  2. Love it Amber!!! those kids are growing up fast....

  3. What good times and what wonderful memories for your children!

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    I'd never heard of it either, but it sure made me happy to receive it!!
    Hop over to my blog to get the "how-tos", and then start sharing the blog love!!
