Friday, June 4, 2010

A Horse Is A Horse

I've always loved horses.  I had a horse named Dusty when I was growing up. Horses are graceful and big and beautiful.  They all have their own personalities.

One of my good friends has a pair of horses at her house. I love watching them. Once in awhile when I visit I take pictures of her horses.

This one is Holly. She's nine years old and is a very sweet horse.

She's got kind and gentle eyes.
This one is Sniper. He's almost two. He's full of mischief.
I think his eyes show that he's got something up his sleeve. If horses had sleaves anyway.
Together they're quite a pair. Click on this picture to see how Sniper is partialy sticking out his tongue. I think Holly tries to keep him in line, but that's a lot of horse to put up with! 

Yes, quite a pair indeed.
A big beautiful pair.

Remember your blessings!

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